A Ranjith Cinema is an upcoming Malayalam drama directed by Nishanth Sattu. The film stars Aju Varghese, Namitha Pramod and Asif Ali in the lead roles, while Anson Paul, Saiju Kurup, Hannah Reji Koshy and others play supporting roles. Nishad Peechi and Babu Joseph Ambattu financed the film under production houses Luminous Film Factory and Royal Cinemas. Cadaver film fame Midhun Asokan composed the music and background score for the A Ranjith Cinema film.
This film marks the directorial debut of Nishanth Sattu. The trailer reveals that this will be a psychological thriller drama with many mysterious plot twists.
Here are the cast members of the movie A Ranjith Cinema,
- Aju Varghese
- Namitha Pramod
- Asif Ali
- Anson Paulus
- Saiju Kurup
- Harisree Ashokan
- Hannah Reji Koshy
- Kottayam Ramesh
- Shobha Mohan
- Jewel Maria
Date of publication
The film will be released in theaters in November 2023.
The OTT platform and release date have not yet been confirmed. However, according to reliable sources, it may take around a month from the theatrical release before the film is streamed online.
OTT platform | Disney+ Hotstar (unconfirmed) |
OTT release date | January 2024 (expected) |
Languages | Malayalam |
Resolutions | SD (up to 480p), HD (up to 720p), Full HD (up to 1080p) |
Type | Movie |
A Ranjith cinema – quick view
Director | Nishanth Sattu |
Producer | Nishad Peechi and Babu Joseph Ambatt |
Genre | Psychological thriller drama |
Stars | Asif Ali, Aju Varghese and Namitha Pramod |
Music | Midhun Asokan |
Camera operator | Sunoj Velayudhan & Kunjunny S Kumar |
Editor | Manoj CS |
Production company | Luminous film factory and royal cinemas |
Date of publication | November 2023 |
Language | Malayalam |
Judgement | Good (based on the trailer) |
Judgement | 3/5 (based on the trailer) |
Box Office Collection | Still needs to be updated |
Duration | 2h 8m (not confirmed) |
Censor certificate | U/A |
Watch the latest trailer of psychological thriller film A Ranjith Cinema,
- The makers will soon release the songs, background music and ringtones for the film.