Ambajipeta Marriage Band is an upcoming Telugu comedy-drama helmed by Dushyanth Katikineni. Suhas and Shivani Nagaram are the lead actors, with Goparaju Ramana, Jagadeesh Prathap Bandari and Swarnakath playing crucial roles. Dheeraj Mogilineni and Venkatesh Maha along with Bunny Vasu bankrolled this film under their home banners. Sekhar Chandra, of 118 fame, tuned the songs and background music.
This film marks the directorial debut of Dushyanth Katikineni. Sony Music has won the music label. A new teaser for the film has been released and it starts with students playing the ‘ Cheppave Prema while the Ambajipeta Marriage Band plays in the background. As the teaser progresses, the mix of fun, action, love and some intense emotions becomes visible.
The cast of Ambajipeta Marriage Band is listed below,
- Suhas as Malli
- Shivani Nagaram
- Goparaju Ramana
- Jagadeesh Prathap Bandari
- Nithin Prasanna as Venkat Babu
- Swarnakath as Seenu Babu
- Vinay Mahadev as Prasad
Date of publication
The official release date of Ambajipeta Marriage Band movie will be announced soon. The film is expected to hit theaters in December 2023.
OTT platform | ZEE5 (unconfirmed) |
OTT release date | 2024 (expected) |
Languages | Telugu |
Resolutions | SD (up to 480p), HD (up to 720p), Full HD (up to 1080p) |
Type | Movie |
Ambajipeta Marriage Bond Movie – Quick View
Director | Dushyanth Katikaneni |
Producer | Dheeraj Mogilineni |
Genre | Comedy drama |
Stars | Suhas and Shivani Nagaram |
Music | Sekhar Chandra |
Camera operator | Wajid Baig |
Editor | Kodati Pavan Kalyan |
Production company | GA2 Pictures, Dheeraj Mogilineni Entertainment and Mahayana Motion Pictures |
Date of publication | Still needs to be updated |
Language | Telugu |
Judgement | Good (based on the teaser) |
Judgement | 3/5 (based on the teaser) |
Box Office Collection | Still needs to be updated |
Duration | 2h 3m (expected) |
Censor certificate | U/A |