Season 26 of South Park will almost certainly be confirmed. The show created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, ‘South Park’ is an animated series for adults that follows the lives of four elementary school students – Stan Marsh, Eric Cartman, Kyle Broflovski and Kenny McCormick – and their misadventures in the Colorado town of the same name. Developed by Brian Graden for Comedy Central, the satirical show is aimed at an adult and mature audience. It is known for its dark humor and use of profanity, satirizing various sensitive and prevalent issues of society.
Inspired by the two animated shorts titled “The Spirit of Christmas,” “South Park” originally premiered on August 13, 1997. Not only did the film open to praise and love from fans and critics during its first season, but it is also one of Comedy Central’s highest-rated cable shows ever. The animated show still receives the same amount of love after 25 seasons and has amassed a strong fan base over the years. So if you’re a fan eager to learn more about ‘South Park’ Season 26, we’ve got all the information you need!
When does South Park season 26 come out?
Season 25 of South Park premiered on February 2, 2022 Comedy centralwith the season finale airing on March 16, 2022. The twenty-fifth season consists of six episodes with a running time of approximately 22 minutes each.
When it comes to the next round of this long-running show, here’s everything we know about it. Being one of the highest rated shows ever on Comedy Central, the show would undoubtedly be recommissioned. Due to its ever-growing fan base and steady viewership, Comedy Central renewed “South Park” through season 26 in September 2019. In a joint statement, the creators said: “Apparently our efforts to get our own show canceled have fallen short. Fortunately, we love Comedy Central and Kent Alterman and our staff, so we look forward to new cancellation opportunities in the coming years.”
In August 2021, it was announced that the creators – Parker and Stone – signed a lucrative $900 million renewal deal with ViacomCBS, under which they will continue to produce more satirical and humorous episodes at least until 2027. This means that we will definitely get a few more episodes that will at least make it to season 30, in addition to season 26.
Although Comedy Central has officially renewed the animated show for multiple seasons, the announcement regarding the exact release date of the next round has yet to be made. However, if the network decides to follow its usual release pattern, we expect South Park season 26 to release sometime in the fourth quarter of 2022 or the first quarter of 2023 on Comedy Central.
Who’s in South Park season 26?
The co-creators themselves take on the responsibility of lending their voices to various main characters of the animated comedy series. Trey Parker voices Stan Marsh, Stan’s father Randy Marsh, Eric Cartman and South Park Elementary teacher Mr. Garrison, as far as the main cast is concerned. On the other hand, Matt Stone lends his voice to Kyle Broflovski, Butters Stotch, Kenny McCormick and several recurring characters.
In addition, April Stewart and Mona Marshall are voice-over actors for many of the female characters on the show. The former mainly lends her voice to Wendy Testaburger, in addition to Stans’ mother Sharon and sister Shelley, Cartman’s mother Liane, Kenny’s mother Carol and many more. The latter voices Kyle’s mother, Sheila, and Butters’ mother, Linda.
In addition, several other voice-over actors voice minor characters in the episodes of ‘South Park’. In the previous seasons, many famous celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston, Jay Leno, Natasha Henstridge and others have become the voice of various characters. So in addition to the main voiceover cast, you can expect to see some new voices in season 26 as new characters are introduced.
What is the story of South Park season 26?
The humorous show is set in the title city in Colorado, as previously mentioned. The group of four friends – Stan, Eric, Kyle and Kenny – go to the same local school and are best friends. Each episode portrays something from the extraordinary or supernatural event, with a touch of satirical and dark humor. While all these events surprise the townspeople, the four friends deal with it calmly and calmly, as they are more modern than the rest.
In the upcoming episode, the core four will help others overcome some new challenges thrown at them in each episode. Therefore, season 26 will be full of the show’s signature dark humor and comedic satires, with some new issues facing the people of South Park. So tighten your belts and watch Stan, Eric, Kyle and Kenny find a comedic way to deal with the eccentric problems facing their town.