Lucky Man is the latest comedy-drama starring Yogi Babu. Directed by Balaji Venugopal, the star cast includes Veera Bahu, Raichal Rabecca, Abdool Lee and RS Shivaji in pivotal roles. Sean Roldan composed the songs and background music. The film is scheduled for release on September 1, 2023.
The film revolves around a middle-class man who wants to become an entrepreneur. He buys a new car with all his life-saving resources. His life started to run smoothly as everyone around him started noticing him. But everything changes when a selfish cop steals his car out of revenge.
These are the cast members for the 2023 Lucky Man movie,
The film’s satellite rights have been acquired by Vijay TV and the digital streaming rights have been acquired by Amazon Prime Video.
First sight
Lucky Man Movie – Quick View