Romeo is an upcoming comedy-drama directed by Vinayak Vaithiyanathan. Vijay Antony and Mirnalini Ravi play the lead roles, while Ilavarasu, VTV Ganesh and Thalaivasal Vijay play crucial roles. The production for this bilingual film is done under the banner of Good Devil. The Tamil Nadu theatrical rights were acquired by Udhayanidhi Stalin of Red Giant Movies.
The makers have released the first look poster of the film, which shows the husband and wife with opposite characters. In the poster, Vijay Antony is seen holding a vessel filled with milk while Miranalini pours a glass of whisky. It confirms that the film is filled with humor and a pinch of social message.
Date of publication
The exact release date of the film has not yet been finalized, but the makers have confirmed that the film will be released in theaters in the summer of 2024.
Here are the cast members of the Romeo movie,
The production has not confirmed any information about the film’s OTT release so far. Based on our sources, Netflix may own streaming rights. It may take a month for the film to stream online after its theatrical release.
OTT platform | Netflix (unconfirmed) |
OTT release date | July 2024 (expected) |
Languages | Tamil |
Resolutions | SD (up to 480p), HD (up to 720p), Full HD (up to 1080p) |
Type | Movie |
Romeo Movie – Quick View
Director | Vinayak Vaithiyanathan |
Producers | Vijay Antony, Meera Vijay Antony |
Genre | Comedy drama |
Stars | Vijay Antony, Mirnalini Ravi |
Music | Barath Dhanasekar |
Camera operator | Farook Basha |
Editor | Vijai Anthony |
Production company | Good devil |
Date of publication | Summer 2024 (confirmed) |
Language | Tamil |
Judgement | Still needs to be updated |
Judgement | Still needs to be updated |
Box Office Collection | Still needs to be updated |
Duration | Still needs to be updated |
Censor certificate | U/A |
Here is the list of songs from Romeo movie,
Vethala is the second single and a party song from the Romeo film. Ravi Royster composed and sang the song while Vijay Antony, the main character himself, wrote the lyrics:
Vijay Antony along with Hemanth Prakash and Jennifer Rajasekar wrote the lyrics while Adithya RK sang the song. Barath Dhanasekar composed the song.